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Welcome to our 2019-2020 Classroom Family!

Welcome to Kindergarten! YAY!

(what an amazing classroom family!)

Here we are finishing our first full week of Kindergarten. It has been such a wonderful experience getting to know every single one of our new family members. We've accomplished a lot in our first 12 days of school! As of this week we have visited every single one of our specials, we LOVE Roald Dahl books, Caps for Sale and Elephant & Piggie books, completed our first classroom book and have become pro jammers!
(Our First Classroom Book)

(The (BIG & Color Illustrated) Roald Dahl Books we have Read)

As Readers and Mathematicians we have explored our books and tools that we will be using throughout the year. Together we are getting into a rhythm of what it looks like to be a Kindergartener who reads and knows math!

Every day we practice mindfulness. Each mindful friend has their our own rest spots throughout the classroom with a cushion or on a rug. We have our own private rest time, then a guided mindful activity where we imagine a person we love and say 'May you be healthy. May you be happy. May you be free from suffering. May you be filled with peace.' Then we switch to imagining ourselves and we say 'May I be healthy. May I be happy. May I be free from suffering. May I be filled with peace.' After, we take three mindful breaths. It is one of our favorite parts of our day!

We have two break spots in our classroom. The first is the sunshine chair and the second is the peace chair. These are two very special places in our classroom where friends can go to relax, regroup, think and feel safe. In our classroom anyone can go and sit in the sunshine chair or peace chair anytime they want. Friends may also be invited to sit in the sunshine chair. While sitting in the chair friends are able to look at a classroom family photo and use different tools to calm their minds. These spaces are not just for students! I myself use the chairs when I am feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, sad or if I just need some space. I do this to model the expectations for how to use the chairs, to identify feelings and help friends self regulate. 

(sunshine chair       -----------------        peace chair)

Nurse Lindsay has started today by teaching us how to stay healthy! The best way we can stay healthy at school is by WASHING our HANDS!

Here is just  a bit of housekeeping!

Our classroom Instagram, @missbrehmskclass,  is the best way for daily updates and this blog will be updated every Friday!

Folders come home every Thursday. Please make sure you return them ASAP so they can go home again the following Thursday.

Scholastic Book Orders will come home every month! Please use our classroom code PCR8P to order online. September's Book Order is due by 8:00 pm tonight!

Wednesday is our LIBRARY DAY! Readers got to take home their first library book this past Wednesday! Please help your reader remember to pack their library book every Wednesday so they can swap it out for a new one!

We are publishing our OWN book through Student Treasures! This is such a great company that provides an opportunity for us to create our own book and publish it like REAL authors. Below are the two previous books we have created. This year's theme is Counting in our Outdoor Classroom! I will have more information to share as we get closer!

Picture Day is Thursday 19 September! If you wish to order pictures please return the purple order form before Thursday.


I can't wait to see what this year has in store! It's going to be AMAZING!

I wish you well.

Miss Brehm


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